Individual Therapy Offer At The Mount
The Mount offers a range of specialised therapies which nurture the whole person these include Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy, Bothmer Gymnastics, Eurythmy, Massage Art and Art Counselling. Therapies are allocated from a range of sources; EHCP, regular multidisciplinary meetings, annual reviews and an anthroposophical therapy advisor that visits twice a year.
Speech & Language Therapy
The holistic living, learning, working approach at The Mount offers everyone opportunities to develop their social and communication skills regardless of whether or not students at The Mount have direct Speech and Language Therapy identified within their EHCP.
The waking day curriculum is structured to provide opportunities for social communication, turn taking and building confidence as well as more formal conversation experiences. This is echoed throughout the college day with tutors building in communication opportunities relevant to each individual.
All coworkers whether care role or within education are trained by our Speech and Language therapist in communication strategies to support our students. All of our tutors and house coordinators have attended training for Makaton and this is used for individuals throughout the college.
Our Speech and Language Therapist meets with tutors and house coordinators regularly to discuss, plan and review student outcomes giving support and strategies that can be used consistently across our education and house provision. In addition, she attends all education meetings to support when discussing individual progress or barriers in learning.
Our Speech and Language therapist works on an individual basis as well as group basis with many of our students to support specific language outcomes. This involves work throughout the college environment including sessions, work experience and the home environment.
Occupational Therapy
The right of all people, regardless of their abilities, to have opportunities to participate in a full range of everyday activities within their community is recognised by the United Nations. This right underpins the whole concept of occupational therapy at The Mount.
Regardless of whether or not students at The Mount have direct Occupational Therapy identified within their EHCP the holistic living, learning, working approach at The Mount offers everyone opportunities to engage in meaningful occupations throughout the day.
The waking day curriculum is structured to provide a sensory lifestyle to support students with identified underlying sensory processing, integration and modulation challenges. Our occupational therapist assesses and develops individualised sensory based activities / input for those students identified as having these specific needs.
As well as providing a sensory based experience activities at The Mount such as weaving, pottery, felting, baking, basketry, gardening, cooking also enable students to further develop their fine and gross motor skills, visual motor and visual perceptual abilities along with appropriate social interactions.
Group based movement sessions, Bothmer Gymnastics, Eurythmy and Games support development of body awareness, motor planning and control. Students are encouraged to work collaboratively and gain a greater understanding of their actions and behaviours in relation to others.
Outside of the college day students participate in a range of domestic activities within their houses to ensure development of increased independence in relation to a full range of daily living tasks. In doing so they fully contribute to the functioning of the community as equal and valued members.
The Mount works as an effective community whereby all members are encouraged to maintain their health and well being through healthy activities and lead fulfilled lives by developing skills, accessing education and work and taking part in the cultural life of The Mount community.
Bothmer Gymnastics
Bothmer Gymnastics therapy builds on the work and progress made in group sessions. As a therapy the sessions usually last 1-2 terms with specific aims towards a particular development of spatial awareness or movement. The students explore, develop and consolidate their experience of orientation in space.
Eurythmy Therapy
Eurythmy therapy is an individual therapy that is usually offered twice a week. Eurythmy is a movement therapy that works with the natural dynamics of the body. Through contraction / expansion rhythms and movements related to language, the individual learns to connect more fully with their body. By using these movements and gestures students develop their inner self building confidence and harmony.
Rhythmical Massage
Rhythmical Massage Therapy is a holistic treatment which aims to restore harmony in the individual when stress or illness have coursed imbalance. It works with warmth, breathing and rhythm to encourage the body’s own healing capacity. The therapist uses a gentle rhythmical breathing element of touch to penetrate tissues deeply. The round massaging movements are carried out with suction rather than pressure working more with levity than gravity. The therapy oils are used according to the individual’s needs. The treatment concludes with a rest during which the treatment and substances can be absorbed.
Many students benefit from this form of therapy aiding to reduce sensory issues, reduce anxiety and enable to feel more in harmony in their movements, bodies’ and within themselves.
Painting Therapy
Painting therapy is offered as two separate 5 week blocks it works primarily to enrich and activate the student's powers of imagination through an exploration of the world of colour. The focus is on the painting process and the therapy unfolds over time.
Painting therapy encourages expression and awareness of emotions and helps students to trust their own experience, giving a sense of calm and certainty. During the course of sessions four areas are explored: balance, mood, conversation and the quality of judgement. The primary method is through the technique of wet-on-wet water colour painting, with gradual introduction to form.